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Your Questions, Answered

Just like all people are different, so are all tarot readers. Here are some common questions and queries that you may have, if you have any other questions that are not answered here please ask here.


Healing Stones

What is Tarot?

The tarot is a deck of 78 playing cards, originating from Northern Italy. The exact time of their creation is unknown, but they have existed since at least the mid-15th century. In the late 18th Century, French Occultists began to use them for Divination (after some pretty wild claims about their origins!). The cards are split into two groups, known as the Major and Minor Arcana and each card has associated symbolism and meanings which can prompt reflective questioning and discussion. 

Are You Going to Tell My Future?

Short answer... yes and no. The long answer, the future is not a fixed event. Our futures are created through a series of responses and actions to situations we find ourselves in. The cards that come up in your reading could allude to potential choices and decisions that you will have to face in your future, and the discussions and reflections that occur because of your tarot session will help you to make these choices. Therefore in a way, these cards have helped predict and shape your future. But this is not fixed and your choices can always affect this. 

How Can Tarot Help My Mental Health?

During our tarot session, I will use questioning techniques to probe further thought and discussion into the themes raised in your reading. I will create a space where you can verbalise your thoughts in our reading, or if you'd prefer you can take these questions to think on alone. These questions and discussions will create a positive and supportive environment where you will reflect on your choices, experiences and thoughts, leaving you with a positive outlook on the future that is within your own control. 

I Don't Have Poor Mental Health, Can I Still Benefit?

Yes! Just like how exercise and making healthy food choices are beneficial for your physical health, looking after your mental health BEFORE you experience any negative effects is the best way to prevent them in the first place. There are many amazing things that you can do to help maintain positive mental health, and tarot can be a tool to help with this. 

Are You A Trained Counsellor?

I am not a trained counsellor, and your tarot session is not a counselling session. My role is simply to read the cards and interpret the questions they are asking you. I will provide a safe space for you to reflect on these questions, but I am not trained to advise on specific mental health conditions. 

How Do Your Pay-As-You-Feel Sessions Work?

Each month I will offer a limited number of Pay-As-You-Feel sessions. These sessions will not require pre-payment, and instead, you will be sent a PayPal link to pay whatever you can afford. This is to make sure that my tarot sessions are truly accessible to those of you who may have a low-income/high monthly financial commitments. If you want to choose a Pay-A-You-Feel session to pay more than my regular fee, please chose a regular tarot session and you can simply choose to pay more than the required amount when sent your PayPal invoice (and also, thank you!!). This means that the Pay-As-You-Feel sessions will still be available to those who need them.  

Will You Do In-Person Readings?

Any in-person events will be advertised via my Instagram. If you are York-based and want an in-person reading, please get in contact an we can see what we can arrange. 

Why Pick Yorkshire Hippie Tarot Over Other Tarot Readers?

Picking your tarot reader is a very personal choice. You want to find someone whom you get on with and feel like you can easily talk to and connect with. I view tarot as a storytelling tool, just like the fairytales we learn as children with moral messages, the cards will provide you with a story to take a message away from. If this is hte style of tarot you enjoy, then you are in the right place! I hope that this website, along with my social media, gives you an idea of who I am, and whether we will make that connection. I also offer tarot with a mental health focus and will use my vast experience of using reflective questioning to probe your emotional responses to the cards. I also offer out-of-hours sessions, which are perfect for people who work full-time. 

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